Wednesday, February 23, 2011

God vs the world

"Cool" said god
"In the beginning..." said the computer
God clicked start
Earth cooled
Man came
"Neat" said god
Saddam launched the bomb
"Start new game??" asked the computer
The president was about to retaliate
God hit enter
The game started over again
"In the beginning" said the computer
God laughed...


"Whatcha doing "
"7,8...counting words,11,12..."
"Numbers are words??"
"Yes they are,19,20,21..."
"Really??  I didn't know that"
"Yes now can you be quiet,33,34....."
"Can I help you??"
"No! now leave me alone before u make me forget,49,50..."
"Damn short a word......"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Letter For My Life

Donny Jones
3999 Skaha Lake Road
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 6J7

February 10, 2011

Captain Van Camp
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:
Captain Van Camp, I would like to live because if you let me live I plan on raising a family when I am older, and if you save me...I'll take you anywhere around the world if you let me live. If you did not know this u do do now... I had cancer when I was 4 years of age and I actually had gone flatlined for about 2 minutes before the doctors had saved me...i saw the light at the end of the tunnel and trust me i do not want to experience that again..... I would really like to live and if you let me live I will bring you whatever you want for the rest of my school year. Now you know very well that I care about my family as much as you do but i need to live as for I have a grandma who is dieing of cancer and i need to be by her side when she dies...It would mean soo much to me if you let me live so I could stay by my grandmothers side when she died. I hope this letter convinced you to let me live and I hope I have served you well on this voyage


Donny Jones

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If I could travell back in time to anywhere it would be......

One night in the hospital as I lay in my bed I suddenly see my friend being wheeled off into the ICU department. a few moments later I hear the bloodcurdeling screams of my firend as the doctors oporate on him. I lay there anxiously waiting for the screams to stop, I close my eyes hoping that they will stop, and then all of a sudden, there was silence. I curiously get out of my bed and stumble out of my room as i head towards the ICU department. As I get closer to the ICU room I can start to smell a Discusting smell that  I cant quite tell what it is, I take a deep breath as I nervously open the door to the ICU room. As my eyes glance onto to table I suddenly have a horrified look on my face to see blood everywhere  and my friend lays lifeless on the operating table. The surgeon suddenly whips around to see me standing in the doorway. He casually starts to walk over to me but by the time he had left the table I had bolted back to my room. A few moments later the surgeon calmly into my room and found me curled up in a corner,he knelt down beside me and gave me a hug and told me everything is going to be alright, But I knew that my friend was never coming back.