Monday, June 13, 2011

Macbeth Newspaper Article


Macbeth, king of Scotland’s rein is no more. Macduff was seen carrying Macbeth’s capacitated head yesterday as the war had finished its final stages. Sources say that Malcolm had said to Siward that “you, worthy uncle shall, with my cousin, your right noble son, lead our first battle” Young Seward was believed to have gone after Macbeth first but Macbeth was proven to much for young Siward to handle as young Siward was found dead in the kings castle. A woman at the castle had also reported seeing Lady Macbeth looking extremely ill and later saw her fall to her death.

During the course of the battle Macduff had gone after the King of Scotland, Macbeth. Macbeth was walking back to his castle when he heard a noise from behind him telling him to “turn hell-hound, turn!” and as Macbeth turned he was surprised to see Macduff glaring at him. Macbeth was reported to have turned down Macduff’s fight saying that “[he will] not fight thee” and  when Macduff spat back at him saying “then yield thee, coward, and live to be the show and gaze” Macbeth then went after him. Soldiers say that the battle went on for a matter of minutes and then finally Macduff slays and kills the king of Scotland. After Macbeth was killed reports say that his head was seen hanging from a stick at the top of the castle. Malcolm who was the son of Duncan had been deemed the new king of Scotland. Citizens were happy to have seen Macbeth killed and were happy to see a new king come into his place and they hope that things will become better in their lives with the new king.

1 comment:

  1. 6 of 6 blogs, although your song analysis needs to be completed. Good detail in each. Further proofreading required to fix mechanical errors. Overall a good effort.
