Monday, May 30, 2011

Moral Dilemma

123 Main Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3T1

May 30, 2011

City Hall
666 Elm Street
Happyville, British Columbia
V2A 3Y2

Dear Mr.Mayor:

I believe that you should just keep the evidence that you have on Mr.Grass and just not say anything about his past. Yes he was the commandant of a Nazi concentration camp and he killed 15,000 people but since then he has change into a nice old man who cares alot about his community. And do you really want to bring this situation into a court where all those holocaust survivors have to relive the experience of going through all that pain and suffering? 

I mean look what he is doing for the people of your village.Over the years he has donated many amounts of money to different charities as well as support families who cant meet their needs. Each month he goes around making sure everybody has a enough money to support their family.  He is 92 years of age and healthy. His wife passed away six years ago and he has 3 children and many grandchildren. He is at that age in life where anytime could be his time and that you should not put all this pressure onto him at such an elderly age.

 I believe Mr.Grass is a kind generous man who cares about the people in his community and that you should just put the evidence away and leave him to live the rest of his life. I can say that if you have found the evidence sooner and he was way younger then do something about it but I mean,he is 92 years old and has no wife and 3 kids,you should leave him be and let him live the rest of his life.


Donny Jones

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Afterlife

   Death occurs naturally and there are many religious beliefs in the world that believe in the afterlife and many of them are never told so our culture has no idea what they are. One religious belief is Muslim belief. Muslims believe the god is one and that the purpose of life is to worship god. Muslims also believe that Islam is the original birthplace of faith that was revealed at many times, and places before. Muslims also believe strongly in angels and they believe they can communicate with god and they believe the angels take the souls from people as they die.

     Christianity is another big religious believe. Christians believe in Jesus Christ and the believe he is god and that he will one day set up his life on earth. Christians also follow the bible and they believe that Jesus Christ created the bible. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the only god alive. Most Christians say that if you deny Jesus Christ after you die, you will go to hell forever and if you accept Jesus Christ you will live with him for eternity.

    Jewish belief is one of the most common religions around the world. In Jewish belief a person can be considered Jewish depending on how much he believes about god and the afterlife. The term Jewish can be used to describe a race of people instead of describing it as a religion. Some people who identify themselves as Jewish may have little interest in the beliefs and don’t go to churches to practice the Jewish beliefs. Jews believe that the Jewish law should be a set of guidelines and not a set of requirements. The basic Jewish law and tradition is called the “Torah”.

   My beliefes are that there is some sort of afterlife and that people shouldnt just think that thell go to hell if there bad and if there good thell go to heaven. I belive that when I die i will go into an afterlife thats neither good nor bad.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesdays With Morrie

Our society tells us things that make us feel bad about ourselves. In “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom, Morrie describes how our culture doesn’t make people feel good about themselves and that we would be better by creating our own society. Our society tries to influence us by telling us what we should wear or how much money we should have. Morrie believes that the way we spent our money on useless things in life is just unrealistic and that we should pay more attention to our friends and family. Our society tries to make us feel good about ourselves by getting us to buy products that supposedly make us look better but all it does is make us look unattractive. Morrie says that people are unhappier than he is and this is because our society is so stereotypical now a day and they use things like Photoshop to make things look better when they actually make things looks worse than they already are. Society tries to make us feel good about how much money we have but all its doing is making us selfish in life. If you were rich you would be bragging to people about how much money you have and that’s the wrong thing to do, you should be appreciative and thankful for how much money you have. In the end society keeps trying to make you feel good about yourself but what it’s really doing is making you feel worse about yourself with how much stuff the give to you.